Sunday, August 17, 2008


Today I made a file, and placed Jiminy's name on it. I then started going through other files and finding pictures and letters that he sent me, and placing them in that one file. It's heart breaking that a person's life in away has come down to a computer file stored on a nameless hard drive, that will one day become obsolete. I know Jiminy told me not to cry, but I can't help it. I know that he shouldered his fare share of troubles, but he loved life. He had great insight, and loved and cherished everything thing and everyone....I know I was truly blessed the day he came into my life. There is this huge void in my heart, almost as if god had come down from heaven and ripped it out. I lost my grandmother the same day as Jiminy and so the grief is doubly hard to take. One who promised me that he would live another decade, and the other who willed themselves to die. I am sad, and I struggle to find the meaning in these deaths. I struggle to find the meaning in their lives and the purpose. I am always placing to much thought into everything. The candle that I lit for Jiminy is still going....

Love and Life

If you love someone tell them so! Hold nothing back. Life is too short. One day there will be no more tomorrows. We have but one life to live. Make it count for something. Do not let yourself or your loved ones leave this life without letting each other and those around you just how you feel. Pick up that phone, write that letter, let no word be unspoken. Let not another day pass without doing something to let those around you know just how much they mean to you and how much they are appreciated.